CLASS LOCATION: Elevate Dance Center 80 Rockwood Place - Second Floor
All classes will take place in our new space!
February Group Classes - NEW TIMES for Practice Social & Level 2!
February Kizomba classes are back with our regular 4-week long session and we are making some improvements to allow for more practice for all!!
Classes begin Thursday February 6th.
Level 1 7-8pm: no experience required! Learn (or refresh) your basics and get ready to join us on the social dance floor
Practice Social 8-8:30pm: Mingle with other dancers, practice and solidify what you learn in class with some practice time! Free with the purchase of a 4-week class pass.!
Level 2 8:30-9:30: previous Kizomba experience expected - take your dance to the next level, hone your technique, learn and develop musicality, connection, more intricate moves and broaden your understanding of the differences between kizomba, semba, urban kiz and tarraxa.
Location: Elevate Dance Center - 80 Rockwood Place - SECOND floor
No partner or previous experience required - these classes are open to all!
Classes are 4 week-long sessions and are progressive - each week builds upon the previous! Select your class (level 1, 2 or both) below and add to cart to register!